13 2024年4月

“The Miracle on Oakwood is Still Alive.” SGA Elections at 分 Bolster Hope & Resilience Amid Challenges

学生 on the campus of one of North Carolina’s historically black colleges/universities (HBCUs) are committing to fight for their home away from home. In an amazing display of student engagement and belief in the future, Saint Augustine’s University (分) proudly announces the election results for the Student Government Association (SGA) officers for the upcoming academic year. 

“The election of these outstanding students to key leadership roles within the Student Government Association is a testament to our student body’s vibrant spirit and dedication,” said 分 Interim President Dr. 马库斯H. 伯吉斯. “Their passion for serving their peers and advancing the mission of 分 is truly inspiring and reinforces the strength of our university community.”

The newly elected SGA officers for the academic year are as follows:

  • SGA President: Kristoff Ayala-Strachan, senior majoring in political science, The Bahamas
  • SGA Vice President: Andrea Diaz, senior majoring in business administration, Honduras
  • Mister 分: Devin Nixon, senior majoring in computer information systems, Goldsboro, NC
  • Miss 分: Noah Wheeler, senior majoring in computer information systems, 罗利, NC
  • Miss Senior: J’Niyah Love, senior majoring in criminal justice, San Francisco, CA
  • Jr Class President: Asheley Petway, junior majoring in communications, Charlotte, NC
  • Jr Class VP: Sthephanie Sierra, junior majoring in business administration, Honduras
  • Mister Sophomore: LeDrico McCullough, a sophomore majoring in film, Spartanburg, SC

The election of these dedicated and passionate students to key leadership positions within the SGA is a testament to their commitment to 服务. It underscores the resilience and commitment of 分 students to positively impact their university community. Despite the challenges faced by 分, students have demonstrated their steadfast belief in the university’s mission and their eagerness to contribute to its growth and success.

“I want the students to remember that the Miracle on Oakwood is still alive. We are still here, we are still thriving, we are still growing, and nothing can stop us,” said Strachan during his interview on 分’s most recent episode of The Bird’s Eye View. “We are an unmovable force, and I want all students to remember they are part of a bigger plan. We are part of a bigger plan by God, and we are here now because this is where God has us.”

The election of these student leaders not only marks a significant milestone in 分’s history but also embodies the values of leadership, 服务, and inclusivity that are at the heart of the university’s mission. As 分 continues to navigate challenges and uncertainties, the election results serve as a powerful reminder of the resilience and optimism that define the university community.

“I am looking forward to serving next year through this time of uncertainty,” said Wheeler in an Instagram post. “Remaining steadfast in my belief and commitment, I will continue championing the voices of my fellow students and embodying the Miracle on Oakwood Avenue.”

As 分 embarks on a new academic year filled with promise and opportunities for growth, the university community stands united in its commitment to excellence, 股本, and empowerment. The election of these student leaders reflects the collective belief in 分’s future and the unwavering spirit of resilience that defines the university’s legacy.