
我代表 分董事会我们的总统, Dr. 克里斯汀·约翰逊·麦克菲尔,我们的 行政领导团队, 还有我们的学生, 教师, and staff we thank you for your interest in joining the re-imagination of our beloved Saint Augustine’s University.

大学 was chartered as Saint Augustine Normal School and Collegiate Institute on July 19, 1867, J牧师. 布林顿·史密斯博士.D., secretary of the Freedman’s Commission of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 以及托马斯·阿特金森牧师, D.D.他是北卡罗来纳教区的主教. Bishop Atkinson became the first president of the Board of Trustees and Dr. 史密斯是第一任校长. The new school opened its doors for instruction on January 13, 1868.

In 1893, the School’s name changed from Saint Augustine Normal School to Saint Augustine’s School. In 1919, 更名为圣奥古斯丁初级学院, the first year in which postsecondary instruction was offered. 该学院于1927年成为一所四年制大学. In 1928, the institution was renamed Saint Augustine’s College. 学士学位最早颁发于1931年.

The College further extended its mission by establishing St. Agnes Hospital and Training School for Nurses to provide medical care for and by African Americans. It was the first nursing school in the state of North Carolina for African-American students, and served as the only hospital to served African Americans until 1960. One of the hospital’s most famous patient to be admitted to St. Agnes was Jack Johnson, the first African-American world heavyweight boxing champion. Johnson was admitted following an accident that ultimately led to his death in 1946. Another “first” Saint Augustine’s University is especially proud of is that the University was the nation’s first historically black university to own an on-campus commercial radio station (WAUG-AM Power 750) and television station (WAUG-TV 168).

从它存在的开始, Saint Augustine’s University has blazed the trails in academics. 女校友 安娜·朱莉娅·库珀, 谁是一位杰出的作家, 教育家、学者, became the fourth African-American woman in united states to earn a doctoral degree. 今天, Saint Augustine’s University is proud of preserving its legacy by continuing to ensure scholars are academically equipped to be the global change agents of tomorrow.

猎鹰不仅在学术上飞黄腾达,在体育运动中也一样. The men’s track and field team has experienced the victory of being Number #1 on numerous occasions. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的校友, legendary former head track and field coach and athletic director, 乔治“小狗” Williams, built a dynasty in track and field and cross country at the University. 自从1976年开始执教以来, his track and field programs won an astounding 39 national championships. Williams also coached 39 Olympians including three gold medalists.

8月1日, 2012, Saint Augustine’s College transitioned in name and status to Saint Augustine’s University.

Saint Augustine’s University has a strong tradition of excellence and a rich legacy that bonds thousands of Saint Augustine’s University sons and daughters from across the globe.

Questions in Response to the 分 Campus/Community Master Plan RFP

While 分 is enthusiastic to get started and move through the various phases of this project, we do not want to sacrifice quality for a too ambitious timeline. 分概述道:大学预计 a mid-February 2022 start with a late April/early May completion”, please include the timeline that your team believes is needed to achieve the best product.

No, 分 has received building assessments within the last two years. 这些评估将提供给项目团队.

The 分 Master Planning team will work with the project team to consider which strategic engagements make the most sense. A few groups we have in mind include: City/County Government, 经济发展伙伴, 开发人员, 社区小组(1-3), 以及地区企业. 与邻居有关, 分 focuses on the households within the boundaries of New Bern Ave / Peace Street / Glascock Street / 罗利 Road Blvd. 与区域业务相关, 分 is the anchor institution for the Southeast 罗利 Business Alliance and is in the process of working with the City of 罗利 to outline the service area.  

While the area goal that we hear most is 15%, at 分 we want to lead by example. We ask that applicants engage MWBE participation at 25% or greater.


  • 分 owns 26 residential properties on Oakwood and other streets in the immediate area
  • 分 owns a large parcel on New Bern Ave across from WakeMed (not a part of the RFP)
  •  分 owns properties on Creech Road in Garner and in Lawrenceville, VA  (not a part of the RFP)

A building inventory and assessment will be shared with the master plan team.



塔特尔公共卫生 & 社区中心和MLK中心重新开放

While the area goal that we hear most is 15%, at 分 we want to lead by example. We ask that applicants engage MWBE participation at 25% or greater.

学生 are starting remotely through January 15; month by month from there.


  • HBCU的历史
  • 私立学校
  • 师生比例1:10
  • 第二个课程
  • 靠近市中心和东海岸
  • 一个将校园视为经济区的机会

经济发展部 & External Engagement’s charge: Sustainability for the next 150 years


P.R.E.E.N. 项目